Sunday, July 8, 2007

First School Twinning Update

The World We Want ~
Students in Canada and Sierra Leone Learn and Work Together for a Better World

This is the first of what will be many updates on our school twinning project. As of August
2007, 14 Canadian schools have been involved in the project, well beyond the initial 5 we were hoping for! Over 2 000 students and teachers have participated in presentations, many classes have written letters and worked on projects, and some schools have raised money. Schools have helped us collect over 200 boxes of new and used school materials as well as books, bikes and gardening tools for schools, all of which will be shipped to Sierra Leone this summer. Achieving so much in the first three months of this project bodes well for the future of this project! We hope to expand the project next year with the production of learning resource materials for schools based on the key messages of the project: People of the world are different and alike but have the same needs. We need each other for our mutual survival. Learning about each other's lives, we can work together to address common issues such as peace and environmental sustainability. So far this work has been done on a volunteer basis with the contributions of many hard-working volunteers. We hope you will continue to be involved in the momentum and development of this project. If you are not yet involved and would like to be, please contact me at Many thanks to all who have been part of this initiative so far, especially the students and teachers at Basinview, Bicentennial, Children's World Academy, Colonel John Stewart, Cornwallis, Eastern Passage, Lockport, Olympic Heights, Oxford, QEHS, Shelburne, Southdale-North Woodside, St. Gregory's, Yarmouth, Maso, Mapaki, Makamray, Mathombo, and Makonkorie.